Homework 5, Design for A small library.

Short Description:

Create a design document for the A small library program.

This homework is worth 5 points.


When you finish this homework you should have

Formal Description

Build your document using this template.

You will probably have more than three pages.

Review chapter 4 sections six through the end of the chapter. Also, review the case study starting on page 377.

Use the case study on page 377 as an example for this exercise

Use pseudo-code to plan your implementation. This does not need to be accurate at this point, it just needs to demonstrate

Please be aware that the input and output sections of the form refer to parameters, not io streams. A function that takes the user's name, a string, and prints that to the screen would have:

Required Files

A single word document.


Submit your document to the D2L folder Homework 5 by the due date.